Senator Frett-Gregory takes her commitment to the people seriously and works tirelessly to push legislation that tackle some of our most vexing issues. In doing so, over 30 pieces of her legislation passed thus far and more than twice that amount is moving through the Legislative process currently.
Take a look at a few of her critical pieces of legislation below:
Economic Development/Fiscal Responsibility
We must diversify our economy, promote small businesses and entrepreneurship in the Territory, and financially empower our residents. This begins with providing our entrepreneurs with attractive tax incentives, monitoring government spend, producing more jobs, and by making doing business here in the Territory affordable and simple. I’ve crafted legislation to address these critical areas and others.
Tax Study Commission (Act No. 8249)- Reenacted the Virgin Islands Tax Study Commission that is tasked with reviewing the current laws and tax structure for the purpose of initiating tax reform and maximizing revenue in a fair and impartial manner
Line of Credit (Act No. 8178)- To authorize the Governor to secure from a local bank a line of credit equal to the amount necessary to pay service providers pending the receipt and disbursement of funds and to pay outstanding obligations
Mid-Year Budget Review (Act No. 8298)- Requires the Governor's financial team to conduct mid-year reviews of the current fiscal year's budget prior to the annual legislative budget review to ensure all stakeholders remain abreast of the Government’s financial position and to act as necessary
Financial Transparency (Act No. 8172)- Requires the creation and maintenance of a public website that displays comprehensive financial info on every government agency
Tax Subsidy (Act No. 1850)- Petitioned US Congress to provide funding for earned income and child tax refunds through subsidy contributions
GERS Funds (Act No.8171)- Secured up to $10M for GERS to pay down outstanding employee and employer contributions
Economic Development Act (33-0410) (Pending Governor Signature)– Provides the Economic Development Authority Enterprise Zone Commission with $2M to create a state-of-the art certified clean kitchen facility in the St. Croix district and requires the EDA to establish a Small Business Relief Grant Program totaling $7M and a COVID-19 Disaster Loan Program totaling $4.5M so businesses in the Territory impacted by COVID-19 have access to funding.
Education reform is desperately needed to ensure our students are receiving the resources necessary to succeed. I’ve crafted legislation that focuses not only on our students, but on our educators, and the entire educational system so we have comprehensive change that lasts for generations.
Certifying Early Childhood Educators (Act No. 8270)- Requires K4- 3rd grade teachers attain specific early childhood educational requirements before hire. Funds professional development for current teachers who are not qualified.
Strengthening Career Tech (33-0267) (Pending Governor Signature)- Provides students with the opportunity to become certified in their field of interest by graduation and incentivizes businesses to train students for hands-on experience
Distance Learning (33-0360) (Pending Governor Signature)- Requires DOE put policies and procedures in place to execute digital learning, especially in the instance of a declared state of emergency when learning must take place at home
Homeschoolers Receiving UVI Scholarship (33-0347) (Pending Governor Signature)–Clarifies a portion of the code to ensure scholarship benefits for students who received home instruction
School Facilities & Maintenance (33-0302) (In Committee)- Establishes and secures funding for an authority that will focus on building and maintaining modern and safe schools for our children so the Dept. of Education’s leadership team can focus on student achievement
Our healthcare system, like many others around the world, is flawed. Our residents deserve affordable, timely, quality treatment without having to leave the Territory.
Mental Health Awareness Month (Act No. 8270)- To establish the month of May as Mental Health Awareness Month and to require DOH and DOE to raise awareness
Medicaid Equity (Act No. 8305)- Petition to terminate the statutory cap on overall Medicaid funding, eliminate the specific limit of fifty-five percent on the rate of federal matching funds and provide for the eligibility of the territory to receive Medicaid DSH payments
Expanding Annuity Coverage (20-1213) (Pending)- Adds specific healthcare professionals to the list of those who’s annuity will not be impacted if they return to work post-retirement due to severe shortage
Other Critical Legislation
Additional Funding for GERS (33-0418) (Pending Governor Signature) – Remits 50 percent of excess General Fund revenues realized in FY 2020 and up to $50M realized in FY 2021 to GERS for the payment of annuities to retirees
WAPA Management & Oversight Review Committee (33-0346) (Pending Governor Signature) - An Act establishing a Management and Oversight Review Committee for the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority to fix operations and finances
Funding for Waste Haulers & Solid Waste Operations (33-0375) (Pending Governor Signature) – Set asides $15,000,000 from the General Fund to the Waste Management Authority to pay outstanding debts to the waste haulers and solid waste operations
Agriculture Territorial Plan (33-0376) (In Committee): Requires the Department of Agriculture to partner with UVI to develop a territorial agriculture plan and provides an appropriation of $180,000 from the General Fund to assist with the development of the plan
Distance Learning (33-0360) (In Committee): Requires DOE to offer public school students the ability to fulfill required and elective courses of study via accessible digital classrooms, whether supervised by a qualified professional or unsupervised in line with the Department of Education’s curriculum. DOE will provide students engaged in distance learning with access to the necessary devices to successfully complete courses.
No. of Bills Sponsored & Cosponsored with Colleagues: 87+